It's been hot as Hades here in the mid-Atlantic states for the past week or so--ninety-seven, ninety-eight, a hundred degrees--real, sweltering, tomato-plant killing* weather. I've resorted to closing the door to the bedroom, where the AC unit in the back of the house resides, and sweltering during the day just so I can have a lot of trapped icy coldness to get me through the night.
So I find it really funny that tapes I'm currently transcribing and editing were recorded during the great blizzard of 2010. I can hear, over the sound of people talking, sometimes, the wind howling and moaning through the windows of the room the interview is taking place in. Which does absolutely nothing to cool me off, but makes me smile, nonetheless. Back in February, I thought I'd never be warm again. Now I can't imagine that kind of cold exists anywhere on the planet.
*more on that, and this past week's Job-like persecutions and pestilence, in a post to come.
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